View Profile Joey-Kazaam
Hey guys, welcome to my page. I am a stick animator and spammer lol.

Age 31, Male



Joined on 1/23/09

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Why you should like the KK and look forward to July 17th

Posted by Joey-Kazaam - July 3rd, 2010

Sorry for the long title boys but I'm gonna tell you guys why you shouldn't hate the KK so much.
The KK started way back in 2006 and is still going strong so you should know right off the bat, that you can't kill them, they won't die, Tom Fulp won't ban anyone (because they aren't breaking any rules).

Although KK spams a lot, they are a spam crew first and foremost. However they still have some amazing members within their ranks. I'd like to mention the KK's distinct art style which I'd say rivals the best artists here on Newgrounds like Egoraptor and DanPaladin among others.

Here some links to some of the KK's greatest flashes,
A KK collab that was frontpaged.
Hulaloo made an excellent KK intro
Nogfish has an awesome artstyle. I'd also like to mention that Tom put Nogfish's cartoon in the flash portal history, proving he likes the KK.
and Bmac is awesome, and is under-rated here on NG.

There are many more of KK's awesome flashes somewhere here on Newgrounds, I wouldn't suggest looking through all the spam to find them though >_<

Hopefully now you will see why I joined KK with the purpose to learn from them and obtain their awesome art style. Also, you may not like them, but the KK isn't going to go anywhere, anytime soon :P.

I'm also going to plug the Kitty Secksing Collab 4, where the collab organizer Sak said that our parts must be of decent quality, and I've seen some entries and made a part, and although the theme is vulgar the animation is pretty lulz worthy.

Also, I am trying my best to improve in drawing, I have noticed a bit of improvement, however without a decent tablet I am still having difficulty with just about everything, and I haven't even begun to worry about animating yet... >_> thank goodness I got a 15 day ban from the portal so I can practice :D

To see my progress thread on the KK forums, the link is below (Account name was changed to Beebe Buff by admins, just know that OP is me)
http://thekittykrew.com/index.php/topi c,2289.0.html


jus 2 guys havin a good timeeeee

If I was given a second chance, I would have never included that annoying loop in any of my preloaders >_<

If the KKrew are so talented, why can't they make good flashes more often? Quality over quantity, that's our lesson here. SAK, aka ballSAK only knows the word F****t. He needs to go look up real insults. Maybe the KKrew just like to annoy people. You know what they say, if you fail, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try AGAIN UNTIL THEIR HEADS EXPLODE!

The KK doesn't try very often because Newgrounds doesn't care about original content, they just want their hentai and video game parodies. You can choose to either work your ass off to entertain them by making a flash that they will like thus losing all artistic integrity, or do something your own way with original content. Now perhaps one might conform to the masses (like Egoraptor) and do waht the people want, but these "people" are 13 year old pricks so we don't care what they think of us.

I personally get frustrated when my hardwork is ignored, which is why I get back at NG by spamming the portal.

Well if it weren't for spam crews then Newgrounds wouldn't have a lot of their best animators, like LazyMufin, Luis, Nogfish, Hans, etc. were/are part of a spam crew, so if it weren't for spam crews Newgrounds would just be a site desiginated to stick fights, sprites and video game parodies, so actually I kind of believe spam crews are a breath of a fresh air :D

Also I watched Star Bright, it was really well done, shame it only has 500 views >_>
OK...... Why go into a spam crew instead of a crew who helps people make good flashes? Spam annoys us. Does Fulp like you? No, that is just a Fulp impersonater, TomsFrulp.

...With all do respect, you didn't even read anything I wrote and that is very frustrating.

1. There are no "crews" that will help you, if I were to post on the BBS I'd get troll'd, I joined the KK because they have some very talented members.

2. I never said anything about TomsFrulp or whatever his username is, please click the link and/or READ THE BLOG post, and you will see that Tom Fulp does in fact enjoy some of the KK's submissions.

I'd also like to mention that Tom put Nogfish's cartoon in the flash portal history, proving he likes the KK.
No, the only reason he did is because it is not spammy bullcrap I have to put up with every day.

...You've misinterpreted my point, the link proves that he knows the KK are talented and enjoys some of their submissions. Please read next time, I mean no disrespect but it seems you came in here with an opinon already cemented in your head and your bias refuses to let you see what I'm saying.

Okay, so he enjoys SOME of the KKrew's flashes, but not all. That's kinda like me. I hate the spam, the beatdown, Obese Smb, and Japanese intro were great, and the Pikachu Surfing series and Doc. F. are in the middle-mediocore-ish category. Some people hate hentai, and are getting tired of video game parodies. First one is me, and I kinda enjoy the well-made Video Game parodies. Besides, the KKrew does not post hentai, they post seizure screens and ear rapes along with crap animations about 95% of the time. The other 5% is trapped in the GOOD KKrew flashes, which are about as rare as a missingno these days. Spam drives people crazy...... Revenge is not the answer. Just improve on your flashes...... The KKrew may have some good animators, but they seem to be not using effort 95% of the time, unless it's one of the few good KKrew flashes. That's why there are so many crews set on terminating the Kitty Krew. I can't blame them, really, I get really grumpy too when I see a flash with no effort. It seems to be a gag reflex. Why do you guys vote 5 on your spam anyway? The replies to complains that some KKrews make like " go 2 h*** and f**k u f****t-n****r. go f*** a d*** u stoopid a**hole. " I know you are more mature than that, but why does the Kitty Krew love to annoy us? Although I signed up on NG in '10, these flashes just make me feel like ripping off my ballSAK, stapling it on the wall, and rubbing battery acid on my brain. Why can't people just try? It's people like that who make me want to drip my brain in battery acid, put it in a fire, and then blow it up with TNT.

(About the hentai vids) Well if you think about it, the KK is a lot like Chris Hansen (from Dateline: How to catch a predator) and we lure the perverts in, and they go crazy when it is just a seizure screen. Our goal is to have people get angry, that's what trolls do, we feed off of their anger, all those messages that tell us to improve are ignored because we aren't trying on those spam flashes and we don't want to entertain NG, we want to piss off the people in it (I don't, I'd rather practice WHICH I AM lol).

If you want to hear other member's thoughts on why the KK spam, and why they love to annoy NG, read this thread http://thekittykrew.com/index.php /topic,2394.0.html

Also to further show my point that only pop culture references are appreciated on NG, look at your own favourites, 80% of your favourites are either related to video games or a celeb... Just thought I'd point that out.

Also to further show my point that only pop culture references are appreciated on NG, look at your own favourites, 80% of your favourites are either related to video games or a celeb... Just thought I'd point that out.
Well, it was because it was WELL-WRITTEN. I rarely put on new favorites. Only the best stuff I favorite.

Oh, okay so disregard that then >_>

The only reason I favorited them is because Portal Defenders is fun, Scientololhijucka-whatever is funny, and the rest because I'm a Video Game dork.

Joey-Kazaam responds:
The KK doesn't try very often because Newgrounds doesn't care about original content, they just want their hentai and video game parodies.
Well, there's some original stuff on NG that's popular, like Madness, that series with the humanoid monster named Bitey, Foamy, and some other stuff. Krinkels, before Madness, must have been a bit obscure. he had a start. All Flash Gods have a start. People like original stuff also. It's just if people like it or not.

Woah, don't compare Krinkels to Adam Philips >_>
All Krinkels did was feed a 13 year olds blood lust and instead of drawing sticks he drew armless people making his whole series nothing but tweens. I've never tried to animate in a style like that so I don't know the difficulty, but I assure you that Brackenwood is a much better series than that piece of crap Madness.

Brackenwood is epic because ADAM PHILIPS WORKED AT DISNEY. So he knows how to make a plot, develop characters, and make awesome drawings, which is everything that Krinkel's Madness series lacks.

Would I like to be a flash god here on NG? Sure why not. But do I want to only become popular via video game parodies? No, I'm not going to make a series called Taco Man in Video Game World because I have too much self respect.

BTW this convo is fun :P